

Catanduanes is famous for its "Kagharong Festival", a folk-religious activity depicting a Christmas tradition. It reenacts the search of Joseph and Mary for a place to stay in Bethlehem. A troupe goes from house to house and sings before the door asking for shelter. When they are refused, they move to another house.

A depiction of the rejection by the Jews of Joseph and Mary in their search for a place to stay in anticipation of the delivery of Jesus on the eve of the Nativity. It is held every year during the Yuletide Season. This is a folk-religious related activity depicting a Christmas tradition. The activity centers on the re-enactment of the plight of St. Joseph and Virgin Mary, in their search for a place to stay overnight in the town of Bethlehem. They reenact through singing.

special thanks to Ainah (Pint)

Visit San Andres, Catanduanes, Philippines